[CONTEST] Chisel Me This

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by Krysyy, Sep 2, 2015.

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  1. No... that's not long enough. I need at least 5 years.
    DeathPunchKitty, kaptrix and whatkom like this.
  2. Res teleport is set to the top of the res. Other than that...skills/enderpearls.
    607 and luckycordel like this.
  3. Entered on my Alt,Avyr , I hope I do good, I got some Ideas!

  4. Will the dirt drop?
  5. Okay, are there size limitations? As in, do you have to carve the entire block or can you just use a part of it? Would that count against you? When would you gain destroy rights?
    607 likes this.
  6. I just set myself up to fail. I just submitted my entry forum.
    Kytula, Penguinub and whatkom like this.
  7. Yes

    I don't see it counting against you, though you can likely do less detail with a small amount of space than someone who uses the whole thing.
    Residences will be assigned starting tonight/tomorrow in order that the apps were received.
  8. Can we go below the residence too?
  9. "From bed rock to sky level"
    607 likes this.
  10. all the way to bedrock
  11. If only we could use stairs, then I might have joined :p
  12. I mean ender pearls can work just as well.
  13. I mean for building the sculpture
  14. should have asked this before entering ;p but would there be a possibility where we can have the option of having the whole thing turned to stone or to grass or maybe mixed? say someone was to carve and had some tunnels and wanted those stone but the rest grass.
  15. Entered, hope i make it!
  16. I hope the 81 plots are not taken already lol
  17. Hope I can join in time. :)
  18. I don't think many people outside North America will get in or maybe I'm completely overestimating the amount of people that applied.
  19. And we will not be allowed to fly, just carve our way down the dirt block?
  20. I,m not in it to win it lol, I just wanna have some fun :cool:
    guhenry3 and Kytula like this.
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