Calling All Dragon Egg Owners!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by IcecreamCow, Aug 25, 2012.

  1. Not at all, he's forcing me to learn how to code stuffs and design it myself.
    mba2012 likes this.
  2. I see.
  3. I don't like it, I spent 2 million hard earned rupees on a dragon egg for how rare it is, now there will be heaps everywhere, because there was 5 eggs and now there will be around what 100? Count me out, sorry.
  4. aww iw anted one of your eggs :(
  5. That dosent mean im not going to trade them, I need to repay some helpful people with them
    gnyctk and TerryDaTerrorist like this.
  6. ok ive always wanted one :(
  7. But now they will be almost worthless
  8. i still want one, and ill give up a res for one.
  9. how much do you think theyll be worth now?
  10. It will only be worthless if everyone starts selling them. If no one sells them, but people want them, the price goes up. Only you and other egg owners can cause the fall in price.
    gnyctk and TerryDaTerrorist like this.
  11. So dragon eggs will be just like any other object now?
  12. Yes, dragon eggs are no longer 'like they were' - I'm sure the community as a whole will like the update... but Robot's egg is now 'crap'.
  13. No, It's not.

    Robot can turn his egg in, get 20 in return, sell 15, make all his money back plus more, and be at an advantage for 1-2 weeks of having an egg still when no one else does

    It will take a bit before people even figure out how to get one, as for one, itll be like 200x more rare than emerald ore to even find the first stage of earning one, and then actually completing the task? Good luck.. :)
    battmeghs and mba2012 like this.
  14. You do realize people will tell others/make guides about how to complete it?
  15. Yes we do know, but the main goal is community, so if they're telling others/helping others, doesn't that mean goal achieved? ;)
  16. Yes, and I want that to happen :)
  17. See? The mods got it all mapped out. A good comeback to any criticism.
  18. Yes My Evil Plans to ruin the economy can continue.
    I shall trade dirt for dragon eggs and shift people from mining ores to mining dirt while my evil minions can go mine for ores and when i run out of eggs the people will see there are no ores left and i can sell ores for $1,000,000!

    A minion told me about the empire store.
    Time to make another plan
    MissMadison910 likes this.
  19. Touche