ARK - Survival - EMC Players

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Aikar, Jul 7, 2015.

  1. I don't have a good computer or enough money to buy the game...
    Gawadrolt and cadenman2002 like this.
  2. Did we lose dinos... ?
  3. We moved them back to main base because we saw a total of 3-5 trexes and an albino Carno nearby the backup base. If they aren't at the main base I don't know what to tell ya.
  4. had to bump diff back down to 2 (was 1 to start). 4 was insane.

    WAS taming a 75 dodo but we were running into level 80 stuff constantly.

    But wasnt paying good enough attention to him and he woke up, losing a TON of narcotics :(
  5. that explains the lvl50+ raptor that ate me (when normally isn't any)
    607 likes this.
  6. Dilos got into the base and managed to kill Pteranojohn (new pteranodon) so I went ahead and finished the spike wall we once started and added dino gates in two sections.
  7. make sure the gate is up against the valley entrance, and not right up against the house. We need to move those spikes back so it gives us more room around the house and put the spikes/gates on the least distance spots to gate it off.

    The back of the house is so unusable by the dinos atm, would love if we could use that room too.

    I might be on later, getting some emc work in.
  8. Totaly recomend high stone walls and big dino gates (and a small people gate for convenience) plus spike fence outside that (my dinos r safe). Although, as u say, make sure you have room for expantion, im going to get a bit cramped soon.
    Not sure about your huge dinos though, Havnt got to that problem yet.
  9. We all have other better things to do than sit around 8hrs to tame something... Bumping to tame rate to 4x
  10. Even with the boosted rates it still took a while but... :D
    607 and iamcavie like this.
  11. Has the server not been updated to v188? I can't see it on my Favorites D=
  12. Updated
    iamcavie and MasterDude13 like this.
  13. the update erased my config file. so had to reset stuff up. I'm keeping PvP on so we can build in caves, and to be sure that no strangers find the password... I have put it up on a logged in only page:

    Please find server info there so only EMC players can get on.
    MasterDude13 and ThaKloned like this.
  14. Aikar.. I didn't read it yet, LAWLS. Wait.. leme check. Think I did, aucttly.
  15. Oh what, youve enabled PVP???!! Nooooooo!!!
  16. You already could kill each other tribe members when it was on PVE... So absolutely nothing changes in regards to PVP.

    The only difference is if someone who was NOT in our tribe their ability to attack our stuff.

    However, we now have a more secure password that only people logged into forums can see, so we can rest safe knowing someone wont get in.

    Don't give anyone the pw you dont recognize on mumble
  17. If i had known of this (bug?) I wouldnt have been in any tribe.
    im quite suprised at your desision to go pvp as emc (minecrafr) so strongly apposes greifing, stealing and of course pvp (except in controlled/optional areana's).
    Im sad you have chosen this, but its your server to do what you wish.
    Ill try figure out how to export my character so at least I haven't lost everything.

    Have fun.
  18. cavie, we're all in one giant tribe. No one can do anything different from PvE besides building in caves, no need to leave D=
    607 likes this.
  19. If it was enabled before and there were no problems, then why leave now? PvP is clearly discouraged, and the password was added so that anyone who isn't part of the EMC community can't come in a wreak havoc.

    It honestly seems kind of silly to me. You don't want to lose stuff by someone killing you, and you are leaving the server because of that fear, so you are effectively losing everything anyway (assuming inventory is server specific).