YouTube the Empire - Voting

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by JackBiggin, Oct 2, 2012.


Which video is your favourite? Choose wisely, you only have one vote.

Poll closed Oct 16, 2012.
1 9 vote(s) 5.8%
2 9 vote(s) 5.8%
3 28 vote(s) 18.2%
4 95 vote(s) 61.7%
5 13 vote(s) 8.4%
  1. Even Though I'm late I will Post my video here.
    So far it has taken 3 weeks.
  2. Any posts saying stuff like "VOTE 4 MEE!!!111" will be reported/deleted, and if I see it, you will lose 2 votes.
  3. i didnt break the rule i was only telling the truth, look at the video its hilarious thus causing happiness
  4. thanks for the good quality comment :) it makes me smile

    also #4 misspelled the word millionaire at 1:20
    marknaaijer likes this.
  5. even though 4 Used Modern Warfare 3's Tune it was great.
    marknaaijer likes this.
  6. Really hard decision. First of all, you guys all did a great job, and all of you deserve to win. However, as there can only be one winner, you can't. I like #1, because it shows off some good residences and the music is nice - but not EMC'y in my opinion and did not fit with the video.

    I like #2 because it was a unique idea and involved multiple players. However, the recording was laggy, which made it slightly un-appealing to watch, but still it was great.

    #3 dragged on a bit and the music was annoying and always stopped abruptly.

    #4 had cool music that fit with the video, and put the spelling mistakes aside (Mark is foreign, so i'll let him off :p), it was a great video.

    #5 was like none of the others, apart from 6 but that one didn't count. I really enjoyed it, and I loved his res. And it had a catchy title...

    Such a hard decision...

    I wish the best for you all, and my vote will take slightly longer due to 'who should I vote for' problems.

    It will be either 4 or 5.
  7. Wait, spelling mistakes? :p
  8. Dang I broke a rule... and my other video didn't get uploaded in time... oh well. I liked video 4 and 5. :) Good luck guys! And Jack, are you holding another one?
    marknaaijer likes this.
  9. i believe this breaks rule #1 as stated "Any posts saying stuff like "VOTE 4 MEE!!!111" will be reported/deleted, and if I see it, you will lose 2 votes.", he is clearly telling people to vote and the winky face to signify that its for him
  10. I didn't ask people to vote for me, I just said that they had to vote in the poll.
  11. its all about them subliminal messages im watching you
    BeKaLuSa and SoulPunisher like this.
  12. And yeah, with -2 votes I am stil in the lead.... -_-
  13. every vote counts and with 13 days to go its a long election i do declare it as such
  14. *Ahem*
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx and marknaaijer like this.
  15. I live by a simple motto
  16. :3
    NINJATTILA and marknaaijer like this.
  17. i wiah i could make a video that would make me AT LEAST 2nd
    marknaaijer likes this.
  18. XD mark why did you LIKE that?!
    marknaaijer likes this.
  19. Because I can.
  20. :p