Reminds me of a time some kid attempted to beat me with a pipe about a year ago... He wound up hitting himself! I could have been SWAG and he could have been his users who abuse his meaning... Wtfudge did I just even say?
The whole point of YOLO originally wasn't to drink, do drugs, smoke, or party. The point is to go and do something with your life that is good, because you only live once. It was a modern version of Carpe diem, now it's used by idiotic teenage boys along with the word swag.
"and you should feel stupid"... Well I don't think it's fair to be so harsh on anyone using the word. A lot of people use it jokingly and it shouldn't be such a big deal that they do. It's just... a silly phrase.
Was going say something but ^ sums up what I was going to say... so I will leave this pic here instead Found this at local bar I go too... enjoy
While I agree that using YOLO does not make one stupid, I find that it is often the less intelligent of our species who use it in a non-sarcastic manner on a regular basis.
While I don't want want people to stop saying it, I do want people to stop using it entirely out of context. For example; "Just did my homework, cos #YOLO" I think you get the idea.
the only thing this phrase should be used for is as a fact as in you only live once (unless you're a zombie or the like), I personally hate it when people decide they want to jump over a bridge because the next day they might not be able to
You know... Stupid is who stupid does. Saying YOLO doesn't make you stupid. Doing stupid, dangerous things does. Imagine now that people doing stupid stuff started saying "Carpe diem". Would that make the expression stupid? No. And would it make them stupid? For a while, yes, we all have done stupid things and then grown up and learned of our mistakes. Think about the image that gives of you judging and insulting people for saying or doing whatever they want, as long as they don't hurt anyone else. Live and let live, that's a saying I like, because I used to be all judgy too.
See... the problem I have with this is, the point of a joke is to be funny. But there's nothing funny or clever or witty - even ironically - about it. It's just dumb. And while I get that the kind of self-aware ironic "this is so bad, that's why it's good" humor is popular nowadays, YOLO isn't really one of those things that can... transcend the other side of the Irony Chasm, I guess. It doesn't cross over into parody, it just drags you down to the same level as every other person who thinks it's funny or cool to sound like a complete tool. That's the point of this thread, by the way. To point out just how dumb it really is, how dumb you (general "you," not specifically you, Soul) sound for using it, and encourage you to stop. Probably a lost cause, I know, but I feel EMC is better than this and if I can do even one small thing to help raise the collective IQ by a fraction and kill this stupid acronym, it will have been worth it. Oh god, this. So much, this. You're right, of course. It doesn't make you stupid. But it makes you sound stupid. Therein lies the difference. What people do or don't do under "hashtag:YOLO" is their business, and if it's for the sake of personal betterment then I am all for it. Encouragement given! But the word itself is stupid, and when you use it, you sound stupid too - even if you're a reasonable, intelligent person.
Swag annoys me more than yolo... me and my friends on xbox make fun of people with "YOLO" in their clan tags.
Just let it play out. This motto is the next phase of natural selection / survival of the fittest. Something dangerous comes along, someone decides to participate cuz #yolo, they die, they can no longer produce off-spring, we live on happily. Cycle repeats. Earth is cleansed. Yolo kills. Keep it that way. #thisisajoke
When i go skydiving for thr first time im going to scream yolo i dont care becuase ya its kinda in context #catsmeow
There are a few things that annoy me more than people yelling YOLO all the time. The misuse of #, swag, and the overuse of epic. People always say they have swag, but swag really means treasure. It doesn't mean you're cool. Also, # is used in twitter to tag something, but some people use it before words to sound cool. Finally, people call everything epic lately. There is an "epic" overuse of the term epic. It's just getting more annoying than people yelling YOLO to everything. I've even seen signs on minecraft that said #YOLOSWAGYOLO on them. Come on people, really?
#yolo #swag #epic #desu english is an evolving language of verse not prose. if you knew anything about Shakespeare you would know that he invented a large number of controversial words that we use colloquially today.