Stage One, Simply exchanging letters for their opposite and numbers for however many letters in on the alphabet they are. I know this is wrong Code: Mciasca imhl ihf, wtm utaqkt WXY NQL!
Stage Two, Using Equinox_Box's possible hint as to what the first word is. Also probably wrong Code: Science is?? ???, ???s ??????? ?cx?? ????!
Let me calculate that for you: 1920 + 500 Let's start off with the basics, the units column; 1920+500 00+0 Now let's do the tens column; 1920+500 20+2 Next we'll set out on something a bit more difficult, the hundreds; 1920+500 9 5+14 Now just in case you didn't understand that one imagine there is an imaginary 0 in front of both the 9 and 5, When we count up from nine 5 times we go over 9 meaning we get two numbers. Put the 1 for the 10 and so on in that first spot and add the other number in the second spot, that isn't to tricky is it? Wow we're getting pretty tricky now, we're working in the thousands column; 1920+500 10+1 Finally this is the part where we combine our answers, let's work backwards from the start: Units = 0Tens = 2Hundreds = 14Thousands = 1So everything fits neatly together however we need to put the 1 from the hundreds with the 1 from the thousands making a 2. When you've patched the numbers together it should look like this: 2420 Off course there is an alternate more "pro" way of doing this, this is simply achieved by clicking here and clicking on the following buttons in the order they appear: 1920+500 This special magic thing on your screen should give you some magical numbers which are these in this order: 2420By the way if you still can't work out how many rupees you'll get from cracking this code read the following text!You get 2420r for cracking this code!
ok so according to what I can determine I have gotten this : "ch Sciemce isht why, Its klaous why not!" If I was gonna make a sentence out of it using actual words it would probably be: "Science isn't why, It's cause why not!"
Yeah hopefully that is the correct answer, lol. I'm actually really curious to know how close it is to being correct if it is not.
Ok so after reviewing my translating and retranslating again and again I have realized some of the letters were wrong, but this makes less sense than before: "ch Sciemce isht whz, its klaout why not!"
I'm thinking your right, perhaps some of the characters he translated wrong but making it into the closet words that make sense together would be Code: Science isn't why, it's about why not! It seems as if he only gives you a rough translation so you have to guess the words based on wht makes sense and wht it looks like, isht looks like isn't and then that just leaves klaout which only makes sense as if it were about.