Woah, it's been a while. - jlopez24 [LOCKED]

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by EmpireGuide, Aug 1, 2012.

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  1. Why so quick to jump to his defence you must be a Jlopez alt...
  2. Thats MRZ2RM or whatever xP
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx and hayleycolgan like this.
  3. Anyone find it ironic that his name is EmpireGuide and he broke the rules?

  4. Sorry, I just know how not to stay butthurt over something that happened a few months ago.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  5. Where in the rules does it say that I cannot call somebody an attention whore? Let us take a look at the Commandments.

    We are not in game, so this one does not apply.
    4. Thou Shalt Not Be Rude

    Be polite and respectful to others in the game and in the chat, and don’t harass or insult anybody, for any reason. If someone asks you to leave thier lot or to stop doing something that is affecting them in some way, respect them and do as they ask.

    The below Also does not apply, since Whore is neither a foul word in the conjunction I have used it in, nor have I used it excessively.
    8. Thou Shalt Not Use Excessively Foul Language

    Be careful of what you type into the chat. The Empire is a public place for all people of all ages. It's not the place for foul language. Save it for private messages with your friends. If you’re not sure what is considered ‘excessively foul language’ ask a moderator.
  6. Thats what i said :D
    jkjkjk182 and Biscuitboy5396 like this.
  7. Be polite and respectful to others in the game and in the chat, and don’t harass or insult anybody, for any reason.
  8. Actually no it is no. 621op came on with permission as Gabe627. I even specifically asked Shaun if they ban all alts and he said no just the player. Yes I know Gabe was banned, but that was for a different reason and it is irrelevant.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  9. Your a funny guy *liked*
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  10. Those arent eggs in your signature silly.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  11. if you want attencion you do "CoMe To My ReS fOr FrEe ThInGs!!!!"
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  12. Guys they person we should me flaming is jlopez, not each other I mean come on..
  13. Awww I remember Jlopez now it took me awhile because i have better stuff to remember than some kid that greifed bunch of utopia structures and took him couple of months to say I'm sorry to what I did. Your Apology is nothing now
  14. Nope :D look under site help and click on "Terms and rules" that you should of read before joining, xP. Click "Terms and rules" and look at the last bullet under "registeration"
    nerone94 likes this.
  15. snarf.snarf.snarf
  16. I love how you guys are acting up over a video game
  17. ...and that's the only way to be. JLopez did not grief a single thing of mine. I worked with him on some community projects, and showed him a number of "secret" things. He never touched a thing.

    My general thought has always been, if someone destroys it... I get to rebuild it. That's the purpose of the game. Also, it means I didn't hide it well enough or far enough away....
    Equinox_Boss and margaritte like this.
  18. The problem with this is, that in a community of decent people, you shouldnt have to hide it. If he had touched something that only you and him had known about, he'd have been banend earlier than he was.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  19. In an ideal world. This isn't an ideal world, kid.

    Forgot you were one of the "well, actually" kids.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
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