Sorry if my post comes across rude, I don't mean it to be, I just don't understand some of the stuff. "We want to stick to vanilla" yet one of the most natural seeming things is messed up (Dark rooms) but spawners thrive. I had no issues with the mobs before they were tweaked the first time, after that it was like running through a mine field and I stuck to town or indoors all the time. Town can't be edited to one biome so that nobody is stuck in a snow biome and has to deal with their water freezing, but they can edit mob spawns and entities? We have been waiting for months for new updates that were announced waaaay back and they're not implemented, making a bunch of people feel lied to. I know everyone keeps saying "It will get here. Don't worry." We are tired of shuffling our feet, If they weren't going to be implemented soon why announce them early and then drag us on for months? With the new mob tweak on the 3rd, everything has gone wonky again and mob grinding is sucking for some people :/ I'm again, not meaning this post to be rude, I just feel kinda bummed that all this stuff is getting messed up for people and we've been promised things that just never come about.
One thing to realize is that the things you think aren't important that Aikar is working on is actually the first step in features like the Dragon Tomb. EMC has a lot of unique stuff and adding something as complicated as the Dragon Tombs we're after require the servers to be able to handle them. Fighting a dragon while the game is SUPER laggy wouldn't be fun for anybody. So, don't feel lied to, as we're doing the absolute best we can to get this done. However, there's a lot of back end stuff that MUST be taken care of in order for the new features to work.
I go to play modded minecraft as I'm getting bored of vanilla. I like to be able to fly and be invincible, but not through being in creative. It's like one have to work hard before being able to fly. (IC2 Addons Gravitation Suit ) And I also like hi-tech minecraft like having electricity and stuff. And automation and programmable contraption But I still would miss EMC so I won't completely leave. I do come back to keep the res and play a bit.
Ahh yes I do the same when not on Emc , I go to single player and experiment with universal electricity mod and its various add ons and make super complex machines which do a simple task, and my manager to those task is the ComputerCraft mod, great for red power and stuff. Other than that, I still go back to Emc to get that vanilla taste that I'm used to