who here makes mc videos?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by DogsRNice, Jul 24, 2012.

  1. i use hypercam 2
  2. if you read the chat after happy leaves then you will understand this : TROLOLOLOLOLOLOL
  3. Since everyone here is doing it,

    Like, favorite, comment and subscribe for more!
  4. I can see the gray text, use #2a2a2a for perfect gray text
    Kind of like this....
  5. plz remove this so no one can see the text ... thanks EDIT i fixed it..
  6. thanks!!!
  7. arnt i awesome?
  8. Not even close
  9. who has had problems uploading youtube videos?
  10. Not me. Must be on your end
  11. lol i assume you got a copyright strike? aha
    Also, I do mc videos, serveral of EMC, link to my channel in sig :)
  12. a what?
  13. When you use content that has a copy right on it you get a copy right strike on your utube video, he used a copyrighted song.
  14. Sooo how do I keep my normal songs from not burning locked? Sorry I'm bento youtube