Which Smp should I live on?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mysterious_Kudu, Apr 17, 2016.


Which Smp Should i put my res on. (if u want me as your neighbor then reply ur res number)

Smp9 11 vote(s) 50.0%
Smp3 11 vote(s) 50.0%
  1. Smp7 after foxy:

    You should totally join 5
    FoxyRavenger likes this.
  2. Smp4 is the best. Why should you even make a thread? smp4 is obviously the best :p
  3. SMP8 is the best. you should join SMP8. I have fish at the ready.
  4. I have to agree with Shelluser with this one, you should spend a day or 2 in each smp to get a feel for what people are like, talk in town chat and observe what people say in town chat to get an idea. In my own bias I have to say smp9 is a much friendlier environment and is much popular than smp3. With some stuff thats been happening with smp3 over the passed month (bans, lots and lots of bans) I would recommend going to smp9 instead.
  6. Join smp1! There's a res going derelict next to mine soon I think, res number is 833, 729, and 832 (all are my res's)
  7. Go with smp9, we are relatively quiet and mostly keep to ourselves, but are quite social when the mood strikes. Don't go to smp8, you might accidentally marry a potato. I can't speak for tho others.
    The8thToa likes this.