When has it gone too far? Griefing/harassment....

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by CambriaKilgannon, Jun 19, 2012.

  1. See, I knew I picked the right server! You guys are great! So much good advice, thanks again!
  2. I had 3 wild outposts all griefed with lava. The one had 3 buckets!!! We must make a petition to outlaw placing lava in the wild! The person went against the rules by maliciously destroying others' work!!!:mad:
  3. So you want moderators to have to come out and place lava for us for nether portals/mob traps?

  4. Just sent the R to your account
    CambriaKilgannon likes this.
  5. It seems that the player is tracking cambria with live map, looking at the ground for her name tag, and then digging down.
  6. Actually, a few months back when there were more lava incidents, Justin was suggesting making lava placement a supporter perk and it would have been logged
  7. Hey lets not make excuses for jerks who are probably breaking the rules in several other ways!
  8. Well I'm trying to make it harder for them to do dig down. 2-3 blocks of cobble with water over top of that. I hope this keeps the baddies away, lol.
  9. Then PM them. Back on topic.
    Good idea, but just remember that screenshots are the most important part. If they try to kill you, dont save yourself, SS them. Losing your stuff once and SSing them is a lot better then trying to save yourself and then they do it again on another day.
    matthew12hydro likes this.
  10. Good point Green but maybe they wrote down the cords or such
  11. I'm currently dealing with the same problem and have contacted the mods.

    When I mine and find an area where someone else has been I usually pass that area by because I don't want to crowd anyone, and I expect it to be scoured of anything valuable anyway. We all have a sphere around us that makes us feel violated if someone comes into it. Some people aren't like that. They see the prospect of profiting from your work and instead are attracted to it like flies to feces and they could care less who's personal bubble they burst. They'll hover around and wait hoping to find something they can take from you.

    Unfortunately, at least in my case, punching holes in your grinder walls, floor, and ceiling, then poking their nose in every unlocked chest I have hasn't been enough to get this guy in trouble. It seems if you can't catch them doing something blatant like dumping lava on you, you may just have to tolerate it and wait for the mods to catch up.