what your favorite snack (community discussions)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by datheOne, Jul 24, 2018.

  1. For this to work you should go on this website vote here why because you can comment what flavor you like or you can add more to the list
  2. Miss Vickie Salt n Vinger Chips
  3. Vegemite on toast
    Otus_NigRum likes this.
  4. :eek:
  5. It's top stuff mate. Have you tried it?
  6. no, I should though!
  7. I can send you some:D
  8. If it makes to up here to Canada...
  9. Where in Canada are you?
  10. West Coast
  11. Ok I'll check it!
  12. Apparently, 'bulk barn' or 'metro' sells it
  13. Red bell peppers, strictly uncooked
    they're like the perfect food for me because i love the texture, it's juicy, and it tastes wonderful
  14. Never heard of those, but i'll look out, thank you
  15. I've always been fond of pretzels.
    Otus_NigRum likes this.
  16. what about those giant ones?
  17. didn't expect some one to reply
  18. Your welcome :)
  19. Hard to say. Used to eat a full red bell pepper in the morning during tutor at school. I still grab one on occasion.

    German pretzels - not those weird American ones that are all hard and crunchy for whatever reason - are great as a breakfast. In the South German states of Baden-Württemberg, Saarland and Bavaria, pretzels are in fact intended as part of your breakfast. They're soft and can have a variety of seasonings on them, ranging from your regular salt to cheese to chocolate to nuts.

    The pretzel is a breakfast though, so that doesn't count. The bell pepper has nothing on a nice packet of paprika crisps. So, of course, crisps with paprika flavouring take the proverbial cake.

    But wait! Greggs Cornish pasties, sausage rolls, bean and cheese melts, and blueberry jam doughnuts exist. The British nationalist in me loves them, as does the normal me. Obviously those.
    TomvanWijnen likes this.