Hi Everyone! Im stumped with what I should do with my residence!!! Please Visit 2630 on smp1 and tell me what I should do with the rooftop!!! I will try to incorporate as many ideas as I can...I have some options already so u can vote for those, but feel free to give other ideas in the comment section down below! Thanks!
A flag like a country would have. Design a flag, maybe with colours meaningful to you, then make a flagpole and make your flag design out of wool on the top. Or you can just copy your country's flag
Oh ok thanks, I dont have much wool or rupees so I will try to incorporate some of that idea but i do not think i have the time or resources to do that but thanks anyway! Maybe i will make a flag and put it on a wall but probably not a flagpole thanks!
Make a chest group full of all your enchantments, diamonds, gold, iron and emeralds with a sign above each saying: [ACCESS] DaJaKoe Everyone will LOVE it!