What is bad about your country?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by synth_apparition, Mar 23, 2013.

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  1. :eek: You didn't know?
    I am not a human being i am a cartoon character :eek:
  2. First of all, its a figure of speech, ever learn "figures of speech"?. I also said THINKS. Learn how to read...
  3. FYI coz I made the Pc comment, I'm British :p
  4. One last thing I hate is how people identify by their political party. Just don't.
    Be glad this isn't the place for me to pretend, or I'd have another list of complaints.
  5. Chill it everyone. Just going to lock this thread. Please remember in the future to be respectful on the forums. The Rules still apply here
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