What do you want to know about the Cow?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by IcecreamCow, Jul 18, 2012.

  1. My Intel core.... ITS OVER NINE-THOUSAND!
  2. What is Justin's alt account's name? ;)
  3. 1. Xbox 360
    2. PC
    3. Yes
    4. I'm a night person.
    5. Not sure. It's good everytime I eat it. :D
    6. IRL, none.
    7. Hands for feet.
    8. Arms for legs.
    9. I haven't.
    10. Yup.
    11. A boy.
    12. Shark.
    13. If you can put yourself IN the situations, SAW.
    14. Fried PB, Jelly, Pineapple Sandwich.
    15. Don't have one.
    16. 2003, when I got to leave the dump.
    17. 8.
    18. Depends.
    19. Fly.
    20. Popcorn.
    21. Yup.
    22. Diamond all the way.
  4. This is what you want to know about Cow, not Justin. ;)
  5. D: What does the Cow know about Justin's alt. account?
  6. He knows that it's a secret. :D
    EdmundWayne likes this.
  7. iPad or Android tablet?
  8. ICC, you should have trolled them and not answer a single question!
  9. Double D: ! Does the cow know the name of Justin's alt. account, if so, what is it?
  10. Oink?
    If so, oink oink?
  11. Cow does know the name of Justin's alt. When Justin makes a "Stuff About Justin" thread, you can try and ask him there. :D
  12. oink oink, mcoink
    sneeker134 likes this.
  13. How come you're not asleep? :p
  14. I drank a new energy drink I got in the mail today. It's 100% healthy, and working, and now I'm laying in bed trying to pass out. D;
  15. Becuase its 12 in afternoon?
  16. I woke up yesterday at about 2 in the afternoon...haven't been to sleep yet.
  17. Oink, oink oink. Mumber GaOink!
  18. Alex could have asked, "What's ICC's alt account name?" But everyone already knows it.
    AlexChance likes this.
  19. Aw hell nuh. D;
  20. Oh, I have another question:

    I thought cows were mature females who had birthed at least two calves? So wouldn't you technically be an IcecreamBull?
    creepincreepers7 and sneeker134 like this.