Welcome RainbowChin to Senior Staff!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Krysyy, Sep 12, 2014.

  1. Congratulations, always nice to see a well earned promotion.
    RainbowChin likes this.
  2. RainbowChin likes this.
  3. Wowie, good job Rainbow~
  4. Congrats!
    RainbowChin likes this.
  5. Congrats Rainbow! You totally deserve it :)
    RainbowChin likes this.
  6. Are there really people who thought RainbowChin's female? :p Oh well, same as when people thought Max was a male I guess :rolleyes:
    Seriously though, didn't see this coming! Cool!
    RainbowChin likes this.
  7. You've now entered step 2 in EMC World domination :p
  8. Congratz Rainbow ! :D
  9. Congrats Chin!
    sambish20 likes this.
  10. Awesome! Congrats!
    RainbowChin likes this.
  11. Congrats Rainbowchin. I kind of suspected you would get Sr. Staff.
    EDIT: Fixed spelling error
    RainbowChin likes this.
  12. Congrats!
  13. Goodmjob Rainboe minty :3
    RainbowChin likes this.
  14. Yey :3

  15. Yay for Rainboe minty AGAIN!
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  16. (Kind of a bit late, but I haven't been here!)
    Congrats RainbowChin! :D
    Equinox_Boss, 607 and RainbowChin like this.
  17. Congrats homie :)
    607 likes this.
  18. This is going to sound dumb of me..... but I never knew Rainbow was a boy xD