Weird bukkit error.

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by 1998golfer, Oct 18, 2012.

  1. Tekkit doesn't allow offline mode due to incompatibilities with NEI. Hence the crashes
  2. Id say reinstall java, as your experiencing java JVM errors that you really shouldnt be having...
    Are you using any special startup parameters?
  3. I just reinstalled java, with the last error. JRE 7 update 9 both 64 and 32 bit versions.
    this is the startup batch file

    SET BINDIR=%~dp0
    CD /D "%BINDIR%"
    "C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe" -Xms8G -Xmx16G -jar tekkit.jar nogui
  4. Let's try starting with a gig,

    SET BINDIR=%~dp0
    CD /D "%BINDIR%"
    "C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe" -Xms512M -Xmx1G -jar tekkit.jar nogui
  5. I don't believe the RAM is an issue.
    Just wondering, but i don't think tekkit / bukkit has a limit.
  6. Give it shot. Power of deduction.
  7. Ok ill lower it to 512mb / 1024mb but it will be as laggy as heck for my players... brb
  8. Highly unlikely. I used to have 15 people on tekkit once with a 1024MB server.
  9. Hmmm really? ok. I just automatically run it the same as my bukkit server, -Xms8G -Xmx16G. my bukkit server has a lot of plugins so it needs a bit of RAM. and its going to be the host for the EMC Survival Games so there will be about 20-30 or more players on i think.
  10. Your way over estimating how much RAM you need.
    Your internet connection is your limiting factor here, Probably able to sustain a max of 2GB of RAM.
  11. I'm just being safe, lol. And my internet is limited by my dad's router, which he doesnt want to upgrade :( i use ethernet and the max speed for the router is 10/100
  12. Your internet is limited by your ISP's speeds, Which in your case is 5mbps up.
  13. Wow i just did speedtest and got my fasted speed ive ever gotten..
  14. Its faster than 5mbps. Comcast has unreliable speeds sometimes, but usually its fairly fast.
  15. You can host even less with that speed, Upstream is your limit here, The higher that, the better. Downstream isn't as important.
  16. Well, yes i know upload is important more than download. Ill just leave it as- is and it will just use the 8gbs and if it needs more it will go up into the 8-16gb range until it hits the 16gb cap. Once i used worldedit and did 400,000 ( dont remember exactly though) and the RAM usage was 16gb / the 24gb total my PC has
  17. Ok, I'll leave you to believe that.
  18. Lol thats not what i meant, that i didnt believe you. Its just my experience is that i want to be safe xD its not going to hurt me using more RAM than neccessary, IMO
  19. It just gave the the same thing again in tekkit. So RAM isn't the issue, tekkit is updated, java is updates (32 and 64 bit versions) i just dont know what to do. Please help?
  20. I am still getting the same error, both on tekkit and bukkit. please help!