[Weekly Contest] "Who's That Character?"

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Dudelol523, Aug 16, 2013.

  1. Yea I knew this one was a dead giveaway :p

    This was pretty much first person who saw and post won :p

    Winner - Brickstrike - Update OP and Album - Prize given

    Another one might be up this week :)
  2. Sorry a bit late guys but this weeks piece is up :)

    She looks different then usual but hope you can tell :)
  3. Awesome drawing but I'm gonna have to pass on this one again
  4. Aisaka from toradora?
  5. Thanks for the comment :)

    Yep :) - Winner -darksuperlord - Updated Main Post - Updated Album - Prize will be given soon
  6. W00t I actually finished that one not too long ago...
  7. Great anime right :)? - Prize given
  8. It's a bit different from my norm (action scifi etc currently watching trigun) but it was enjoyable, and funny, I recommend it
  9. Next one almost ready?
  10. It's going to be next week xD. I don't got much time so I'm probably going to put up this old drawing of mine that I did. Just need to do some coloring.