[WARNING] Thinking about making a counting thread? Read this first!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by We3_MPO, Jan 11, 2018.

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  1. There were nine of these which Krysyy closed today after I bumped them, which was also earlier today. She said a policy change is pending. There will be a front page post about it when it's decided, and I'll add the link to that here whenever I see it (of course unless the thread is locked. I know my place).

    I do feel like I was a major part of the problem, possibly even the main part of the problem. I do get the need for a policy change. I'm sorry. I just wasn't thinking and got greedy/addicted.

    Hopefully you understand. Please do not make any more of these threads for now; I will report any I see unless they're old and/or already locked. Of course, this also doesn't apply to ones that a staff member has responded to and said they're handling; again, I know my place.
    PhoenixAffinity likes this.
  2. Please leave these types of threads for the staff to make. The policy will be posted here in the next hour or so.
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
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