
Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by ChespinLover77, Dec 12, 2014.

  1. Aikar, coz he works so hard on the servers. :D
    Luckypat and AlexChance like this.
  2. I'm gonna go with luckygreenbird because he's smp8 resident
  3. Attention: I have re-scehduled the Staff/Player Awards
    The party MIGHT be 2 hours it all depends what we have time for
    It is on
    Saturday 12/20/14 At 2:00 emc time
  4. Yes L3A8 that is correct but i might be giving 1,2, and 3rd to staff and players (POSSIBLY)
    So until Friday 12:00 emc time I will be accepting votes
    ALL votes after that will NOT be valid
  5. Voting extendended until 12:00 Pm MST
  6. Highlancer54(as half of the people have said I think no I dont want to count)
    xDiamondxDiggerx or Mockingjgirl or Marshmallow369 they are a tie for me.
  7. I'm going to vote for Mrsocks75 Blackstone71 High
    And for the players Chrisflareon Hashhog3000
    Hashhog3000 is technically a staff in my perspective