Vault Voucher>Starting Bid-1r!

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by gunthro, Apr 18, 2015.

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  1. Current highest bid: 10,219r
  2. Many people don't like other people (especially on the internet) correcting there grammar. Just a warning. :)

    Chespinlover77 and codygraw101 like this.
  3. Grammar geek? Congratz! But saying " You guys don't have to bid a full 1,ooor more if you do not want to" When the bid increment is 1000r Makes no sense, I am indeed not replying to this as I do not want to argue, Goodluck on your auction! Good day.
    607 likes this.
  4. You meant their, :D ok.
  5. No, I meant there.
    codygraw101 likes this.
  6. XD Trust me, I am not a grammar geek! Grammar is my worst subject! It is what is keeping me off of high honor roll.
    I can proudly say, my math is 99.3. :D
  7. Lol.
  8. Current highest bid: 11.5k
    by PenguinDJ
  9. I seem to be the winner. I've paid. :)
    607 likes this.
  10. Yes you do! My auction pickup room will have a chest set up for you anytime now.
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  11. I cannot find a pickup room or a chest.
  12. This auction is already over. :)
    607 and gunthro like this.
  13. Right beside my promo shop there is an auction pickup tp
  14. Aside from that ww2 commented 11k, You won with 11.5k lol
    gunthro, 607 and PenguinDJ like this.
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