Utopian Public Blaze Grinder

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by SephirothWS, Jul 5, 2012.

  1. Next time you will first check the area you don't know, then take more stuff on your second trip there.
  2. I love it! such a great idea I'm going to go use it straight awa.... Oh wait I'm not Gold or diamond yet :(
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  3. i SO want to be a supporter
  4. does it make xp?
  5. What do you think? :rolleyes:
    audrey455 likes this.
  6. lol really (no offence)
  7. It's pretty slow for me :p
  8. omg i hate nether travel can some one come with me?
  9. oh im sarrory my lord i will not ask a question agen
  10. I suck at judging distance so would it take an hour to get there?
  11. um it depends, different paths take longer, takes around 30minutes to get there
  12. good job releasing this
    coffee_bullet likes this.
  13. What texture pack is that?