[Utility]ShulkerBox access residence

Discussion in 'Business Listings' started by Lily_Lil, Mar 4, 2018.

  1. EMC public (and free) Shulker Box access in town

    Welcome fellow EMC-ers to the thread dedicated to residences, available for public shulker box access, across the EMC smp's!
    As you may have noticed, there is no way to /vault shulker boxes containing items in them and sometimes it leads to an inconvenience, if you do need to move large quantities of goods, but have no residence on that particular smp to place and access boxes.

    To help with it, I have allocated a spot on a residence, where you can place, access and remove your shulker boxes!
    For your convenience, there is an access to enderchests, crafting benches, as well as regular chests for any or whatever reasons you might need those.

    Currently, said access has been set up on: SMP3 /v 6022.shulker
    -the location will change over the time, to not rely as much on remembering the res#. Information on that will be provided here.



    • /v 6022.shulker


    • /v 12310 (Not available yet, work in progress)

    • /v khixan 3 pwu or /v 17619 pwu


    Please remember, you DO need to type the address exactly as shown, as this location uses subzone feature to be accessed!

    I would also encourage other EMC-ers over other SMP's to step up and allocate a subzone to public shulker box access, if possible. Let's help each other out! Suppose, you might even benefit doing so, by placing an access to teleporter nearby to your shop/utilities/museum ;)

    Let me know, by private messaging, if you have an existing access zone for shulker boxes set up already and would want to be it added to the list on this thread.

    WARNING: please use the service at your own risk! As much as I would like to help, there is no way for me to take the responsibility on wrong doings to your items by others, shall those situations arise.

    Feedback and suggestions are very much appreciated and encouraged! Feel free to do so, by either posting on this thread or private messaging me. Thank you :)

    OPTIONAL: in case, if you would prefer to feel absolutely safe ,while dealing with your shulker boxes, you may request an individual access assigned to you only, for a fee. Details on acquiring such an access and the way it works, will be provided soon.
    weeh, Pab10S, khixan and 3 others like this.
  2. reserved
    Sydney4363 likes this.
  3. I have never had this problem myself, but I can see that this could be very useful for certain situations :). I might set one up in the utility's section of my soon to be megamall on smp4, but I have only a couple hours of supporter left so I hope I can set this up in time :p
    Patr1cV, EvilBlo and khixan like this.
  4. Maybe I'll set one of these up on smp8.
    EvilBlo and khixan like this.
  5. There is a small one on smp8 at the PWU donation dropoff area. It's at /v khixan-3@pwu. The area is a subzone called "dropoff", and the tp puts you next to it.

    Tuqueque and/or Ulti probably have a larger one setup at PTU (Public Town Utilities), and if not, they likely will after they notice this post ;)
    EvilBlo likes this.
  6. This is a great idea. Perhaps this is something I can add to my public utilities on Utopia.
    khixan and EvilBlo like this.
  7. Awe, that would be amazing! Let me know, if you guys manage to do it and I will add the address to the list :)

    Thank you khixan for letting to know, I will check out and add the location to the main post in a few! :)
    khixan and ThaKloned like this.
  8. the public works town center on smp 6 will also have many spots when done thats res 12310
    khixan and EvilBlo like this.
  9. If you want to help me set it up, I'm in. Never used the subzone flag :p
    khixan and EvilBlo like this.
  10. Will add it to the list with a remark "work in progress" for now, if that is fine with you!

    *shivers* Took me a while to figure it out as well, never did it before either, but sure! Will PM you :)
    ThaKloned likes this.