Unofficial - Current EMC/MC/Bukkit Bug and Update List

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by AlexC__, Nov 15, 2012.

  1. Ohh, hmm thanks, I think I should keep it there though :)
  2. It doesn't happen when its the same person only 2 people. I want it changed so that it doesn't happen in any case. So..
  3. Ive found a bug

    The waterflow flag will change over updates.
    Before 1.4.2 I had my Waterflow flag set to false.
    Then the server update and I dident do waterflow = false so my Entire Pyramid out of water just "fell down" :(

    I dont know more exept that now that waterflow is false again,I can build similar to how it worked before.
    So yeah,Must be a bug?
  4. Thanks! :) Adding
  5. 0_0
  6. Okay so a little bug that I found hat has to do with access signs is: Okay so double chests, you put an access sign on the right side above it and both sides shall open for the player of whom has received access through that access sign. Now add another sign saying anything even access for a different player and you will only be able to open the double best from the right side with the access sign above it ;) I don't know if I've explained his properly but yeah basically that's what it is :D
  7. Hmmm I was told differently from Aikar about the supporter res being taken away in the future once ur no longer supporter I guess staffs changed their minds :D

    This is a question to staff or to anyone who knows

    When you do this supporter update that is referred to on the post, will you be able to change our "first" res around? then do the update? or will our first res right now be the one we keep while the others reset?

    Right now I'am building something already almost done on one of my res that is not my "first" res so it be a bummer if that gets whiped out
  8. What I was told is this: Once you are gone for over 10 days, your name is added into a list of people; on the list it has all the people who have been offline the longest (Minus the one's who are supporter). If someone needs a residence, the people who have been offline the longest, permabanned member who's res is deleted, a member physically unclaiming a residence, or a residence that has been approved if someone wanted to claim it, and it was reset by a staff member - are the only ways for someone to obtain a residence.

    Because the amount of open residences are almost never at zero and members are always making more open residences by moving around, leaving, or getting banned ... there has never been a reason yet to take away a supporter's other residence even after he/she runs out of supportership (plus the fact he/she paid previously - seems a bit more less likely why it would be necessary) ...

    that's what I have been told, hope it helps

  9. Well coolz thx but this is obvious I knew this already in my head its just that I was told differently a few months ago :)