Unable to place locked chest sign due to nearby protected block

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by farmerguyson, Dec 9, 2023.

  1. I've been attempting to lock a chest in the wild and haven't been able to because I keep getting the message stating another players protected block is too close to where I am trying to place the sign. That other player can only be BlockHead_56 since he has been working with me to build up the area.

    Is there any way I can find out where that protected block is? I've been mining out about 15 blocks from where I want the signs and I still can't place the sign. Shouldn't a lock sign be allowed to be placed if the protected block is a friend of mine.

    When BlockHead_56 gets in game will he run into the same problem trying to place the sign because my protected blocks are all over the place?

    This is the second place in this build where I couldn't place locked signs. At the other area I mined out a very large area and still couldn't lock the chest.

    Could permissions to place locked signs be part of the/friend commands?
  2. I would probably need to look at this location in particular to tell you what is happening. Feel free to send me a message with server and coordinates.

    607 likes this.
  3. I am guessing that you are trying to use the wall behind the chest to place the sign onto.

    Try putting the sign directly on top of the chest instead
    farmerguyson likes this.
  4. I am using the wall and I'll give your idea a try, just to see what happens. Chickeneer was on scene last night and said he will investigate.

    I do like the clean look of signs on the wall.

    I'm now thinking it would be nice if the error message contained the coordinates of the protected block.
    607 and KatydidBuild like this.
  5. that is an excellent idea. Wonder if that could be implemented... maybe too hard?

    about the wall install for the sign: may I suggest a glass block/trapdoor/ glass pane (or some such non-gravity depending ) block between the wall and the chest? will keep the look and allow the sign on it.
  6. I just tried the sign off the wall on top of the chest and it still failed to lock. I got the same error message.
  7. There is a bug. It will be fixed later today.
    farmerguyson likes this.