Tutorial Easter Eggs :) (outdated)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Rhyblet, Sep 29, 2013.

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  1. Is it 1500r with the price of the items? i got 600r and i found one in every room. is there one in the fain room that leads to the other rooms?
  2. there was no button, this was on smp3 if that matters its in the emerald and sandstone room look at the edges of the ceiling you'll find it
  3. I honestly dont know the total. some rooms i increased the prize if it was trickier... wasnt going for any target amount.
    Olaf_C likes this.
  4. I also got all together 1.5k :)
    Olaf_C likes this.
  5. Aikar, what are the total prizes for these?
  6. 600r, a diamond pick(unenchanted), a horse egg that spawns a horse with a saddle and stuff already on it and its grown, 16 diamonds
  7. I've got all except the beginning and the ungriefed wild base
  8. was it in town? the "creative" chamber?
  9. nerp
  10. I was disappointed I couldn't keep my tutorial sign
    OrigamiJoe and smile3 like this.
  11. I got all that but what about the 3 extra diamonds?

  12. All The Tutorial Items:
    1 torch
    32 bread
    2 cow eggs
    2 sheep eggs
    2700 rupees
    5 oak saplings
    5 birch saplings
    1 diamond pick axe
    13 diamonds
    1 horse egg
    1 starter pick axe (iron - unbreaking 1)
    1 starter sword (iron - unbreaking 1)
    1 starter armour (iron - unbreaking 1)
    Tutorial Sign (Renamed sign)
  13. At the spawn, go to the left. There should be some trees. look towards the hill from the trees, there should be a stone button near the trees, at the base of the hill.
  14. nvm. the 3 is the pick.
  15. Did the staff yell at your for distributing free goodies to the economy?
  16. Rainbowchin, Lilyrox55 and I found them all
    (and when i say those three names, i mean Lilyrox55 and Rainbowchin (Once). All i did was collect the rewards :p)
  17. Can't seem to find the Greifed Wild and the Rules ones..
  18. Durr. Tutorial on res claiming. Can't find it.
  19. It's in the basement of spiders house
  20. Nooo.... Why you give it away so easily?
    It's no fun unless you find it yourself.
    That moment when you step through the bushes, see the little stone button, and think "voila!" :p
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