Either the silverfish, cave spider, spider, or wolf, though I do enjoy using snow golems and villagers as, ah, test dummies. For this truth, I be askin' the following: What is the most TnT you've ever detonated at once in any world, and approximately how many mobs were killed in that explosion? Even more detailed, how many of those mobs were villagers? Also, Dare!
One, Marlixias I dare you to give me ALL the beacons xD Joking, I dare you to announce in front of all these witnesses the most expensive item you have ever had..?
Mmmm I made a bridge of tnt to see how far I can explode underground, only 3 villagers were killed and 4 pigs, because they are stupid
Nobody gonna give me a dare? Tsk tsk... The one who gives me a dare will be dared to do something especially awesome.
Oh, gosh. I can't lose my foxy. >.< I dare you to both officially withdraw the given dare or change it in some way AND sacrifice at least 15 tame cats, at least 5 which are kittens and at least 5 of which are adults, to either a pool of lava or a Wither boss. Let their deaths be a message to all who oppose me.