Town Roads

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by VirtualJunky, May 21, 2014.


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Support the Idea! 8 vote(s) 53.3%
Nope.avi 7 vote(s) 46.7%
  1. for road editting, i think it is a reasonable price.
  2. i think this would work if like you could pay senior staff to enable road editing for a bit, then as long as you had teleporters you could build whatever over the course of a few hours (there would have to be a limit to make it a worthwhile rupee sink) like say 4 hours for 10k per road.

    they would just make the road a temporary subzone then when your time expired they would put it back.

    i think this would make both sides quite happy, i for one have paid for road changes multiple times and probly could of saved money if i was just given the time to do it myself without having to build models.
    Kyzoy likes this.
  3. You first have to implement a system that detects if both residences are owned by a player/ip. Anyways, it is not world guard, it is custom. I would know, you used to be able to view plugins, not sure if it still works.