This is what happens when you stay on Discord voice chat instead of sleeping

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Rhyblet, Jun 25, 2018.

  1. It's returning, btw. Prepare your brains for the torture!
  2. Dear god no...
  3. Oh yes:cool:
  4. XD I wanna do it is there a prize?
    PeculiarPotato likes this.
  5. The ever so fancy Yellow Krysyy Head I believe
    SliceOfRhyBread and Krysyy like this.
  6. I have sources that tell me it will be roughly 8x as difficult as the 2016 one was. glhf
    607 and MoreMoople like this.
  7. When you do the parkour through intense peer pressure and painstakingly do it and feel accomplished

  8. I identify so strongly with that feel xD