There are no mods?

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by Cypher_Rahl, Apr 5, 2012.

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  1. Well therre used to be mods on SMP3 (Amusement Park), but there's absolutely none on SMP2, ever (which is weird because we're one of the bigger servers). However, 95% of the time when I /report someone, they are seen to.

    What's the problem? Mods aren't going to perm ban for using caps once. It's usually a kick after 2 times.
    battmeghs likes this.
  2. Posting stuff like this severely hurts your chances of becoming a moderator, just so you know.
  3. Report is awesome, but Mods can't see chat from Square.
  4. People this is just a thread where we post things not to insut each other threads are for talking asking quistions not to pas around insults.
    Cypher_Rahl likes this.
  5. Uh, yeah we can. Who told you we couldn't?
    battmeghs likes this.
  6. Oh, you can? Im sorry it seems some people get away with a lot more stuff than they should.
  7. the green mystery has spoken!
  8. Kids nowadays! *shakes cane*
    AlexChance likes this.
  9. My tone will change in post as my position changes in EMC. I made this post as a customer, not as an applicant. There is no reason why my complaint shouldn't be objectively noted as such.
  10. He also popped in on smp3!
  11. Isn't that saying you're fake?

    If I become a moderator, my opinions will say the same, like they always have.
    battmeghs likes this.
  12. :) *dances to some funky music*
    AlexChance likes this.
  13. probably to see what you were doing, making sure you weren't going to burn down the EMC universe. you aren't a customer, you're a supporter. you always have the choice to stop supporting what you dislike. this isn't customer service, it's a server you play on. they aren't going to beg you to stay, they're too busy making sure everyone has a fair and fun time on the Empire. That is, after all, what it's about.

    "Send my fries back to the cook! They're fracking cold!"
    battmeghs and AlexChance like this.
  14. Whether you know it or not, everyone is an applicant for moderator at all times. Some of the moderators we have now didn't even apply, they were asked because of how they handled themselves on the servers and forums.
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