Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Tehwafflez, Jun 23, 2012.

  1. i love invader zim i would watch the show everyday :D
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  2. Welcome To The World Of The World's Comfyiest Couch
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  3. people asking me to unban there friend
    or asking me if i will buy a enchanted pick i have for 9000r

    i am not a mod!!!
    josh303011 likes this.
  4. Probably on other servers names are gold
  5. People who capitalize Every Single Word!
  6. Welcome to the world of many sharp things
  7. Corrected.
  8. You know what grinds some peoples gears: Gears of War 3
  9. if u havnt noticed mr.idontnoticethings i've been stopping with all the caps
  10. PS
    battmeghs and Call_Me_DeJaja like this.
    WHAT GRINDS MY GEARS: People asking questions that are so simple for example "How can I claim a residence?"
    DogsRNice likes this.
  12. Just stop josh
  13. When people act like jerks on the forums -_-
    Oh, and in-game as well.
    SecretAznEks and DogsRNice like this.
  14. People who ask questions about things that are in the Empire Guide.
    DogsRNice likes this.
  15. People who are happy People in general.
    thecontroller and BailiB like this.
  16. I guess the one thing that does bug me a bit is when people are disrespectful towards others. Everything else doesn't bother me very much. I like to keep a level head on things :p
    Tehwafflez, DogsRNice and BailiB like this.
  17. People who /tell random supporters and ask for us to buy their stuff when we log in.