The time has come....goodbye

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by louiskw, Jun 12, 2012.

  1. U know what, I almost forgot something!
    Justin, ICC, green.....EVERYONE thank you for moderating and doing what you do. Whether it's listening to my endless bug reports or kicking me you've always been great and still are.

    Good luck to Justin and his cloud project :) I hope all goes well
  2. Thankyou, Louiskw. This won't go unnoted. I am going to put up a board within the shop (which I intend on using to get more money for the cause) which has names and amount contributed on it. :)
    Equinox_Boss and louiskw like this.
  3. Bye byes Louis......
    Make sure you remember me and my piggehness!!
  4. How could I forget?
  5. NOOOOoooooo000000oooo0o0o0o0o0o0 don't leave! Or at least promise to come back! I may not know you that well but it still sucks when a member leaves!
    louiskw likes this.

  6. I liked how it felt when I was by myself. And thats the way I wanna be, So please, dont beg and plead, Just let it be.

    Vivian Green Quotes

  7. You have the ores but I don't have silk picks to mine those
  8. Ill do it for you... for a small fee!
  9. See ya friend.
  10. So since you are leaving is our deal with the 50 stacks of cobble off?
    louiskw likes this.
  11. "Nother one down, nother one down. Another one bites the dust."

    Sad to see a member leave. The servers will miss bugs bunny...
  12. Stop leaving :(
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  13. Its still on, this is for a friend
  14. That's why everyone is leaving ......

    Louiskw, this will be the last thing you will her from me :
    110 days maybe tiny, but think about it - your life is like clock (if you live up to 90)
    110 days is 2.5 minutes on the clock .....
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  15. ^^^^^^
    Self reply, ooops 2.5 minutes isn't a lot , but any way, you have spend 1/299 of your life time on EMC,

    Bye forever!
    louiskw likes this.
  16. Okay.
  17. Goodbye! Hope you have a good time with your new server!
    Equinox_Boss and louiskw like this.