The Official Item Prices Thread!

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by Stnywitness, Mar 16, 2019.


Guess How Long It Took Me To Type This.

You probably did it in like a second. 3 vote(s) 21.4%
A few minutes. 1 vote(s) 7.1%
1 - 4 Hours. 1 vote(s) 7.1%
5 - 10 Hours. 0 vote(s) 0.0%
11 - 15 Hours. 1 vote(s) 7.1%
16 Hours - Full Day. 2 vote(s) 14.3%
2 Days. 0 vote(s) 0.0%
3 - 4 Days. 1 vote(s) 7.1%
5 - 6 Days. 0 vote(s) 0.0%
A Week Or More!!! 5 vote(s) 35.7%
  1. Hello Everyone!
    This thread is designed for players to find what items and EMC items are worth, and hopefully you will find this thread helpful. :) Post any feedback/comments/questions below and I will get to them as soon as I can. Also, if you see an item not listed (trust me, there will be some), or if you feel the price is off on a certain item, let me know by commenting below. Or, if you have a long list you can PM me. Thanks! :D

    Here is U.S. Currency to Rupees. Thought this would be helpful. If your currency isn't U.S. currency, you can convert U.S. to your currency, and do a little math, and you'll have your currency to rupees as well. :)

    1 United States Dollar = 9,000 - 13,000 Rupees


    All of the Items in this Post are Current Market Value, as of March, 2019.


    Diamond = 90r - 120r

    Emerald = 8r - 20r

    Gold Ingot = 6r - 15r

    Redstone = 1r - 6r

    Lapis Lazuli = 6r - 20r

    Iron Ingot = 1r - 4r

    Coal = 0.8r - 3r

    Quartz = 6r - 9r

    Quartz Ore = 20r - 30r

    At this time, no more ores will be added. Example: Diamond Block, Quartz Stairs, Emerald Ore, Etc.

    Tools / Weapons:

    Diamond Sword = 140r - 200r

    Diamond Hoe = 140r - 200r

    Diamond Axe = 245r - 300r

    Diamond Pickaxe = 245r - 300r

    Diamond Shovel = 80r -120r

    Gold Sword = 14r - 30r

    Gold Hoe = 14r - 30r

    Gold Axe = 18r - 40r

    Gold Pickaxe = 18r - 40r

    Gold Shovel = 8r - 20r

    Iron Sword = 3r - 12r

    Iron Hoe = 3r - 12r

    Iron Axe = 5r - 18r

    Iron Pickaxe = 5r - 18r

    Iron Shovel = 2r - 10r

    Stone Sword = 2r - 4r

    Stone Hoe = 2r - 4r

    Stone Axe = 3r - 5r

    Stone Pickaxe = 3r - 5r

    Stone Shovel = 1r -3r

    Wooden Sword = 1r - 2r

    Wooden Hoe = 1r - 2r

    Wooden Axe = 2r - 3r

    Wooden Pickaxe = 2r -3r

    Wooden Shovel = 0.5r - 1.5r

    Bow = 5r - 15r


    The Following Items Have Not Had Price Put On Them Yet.

    Diamond Helmet =

    Diamond Chestplate =

    Diamond Leggings =

    Diamond Boots =

    Gold Helmet =

    Gold Chestplate =

    Gold Leggings =

    Gold Boots =

    Iron Helmet =

    Iron Chestplate =

    Iron Leggings =

    Iron Boots =

    Leather Helmet =

    Leather Chestplate =

    Leather Leggings =

    Leather Boots =


    Oak Plank = 0.3r - 1r

    Dark Oak Plank = 0.4r - 1r

    Spruce Plank = 0.4 - 1r

    Acacia Plank = 0.4r - 1r

    Jungle Plank = 0.3r - 1r

    Birch Plank = 0.4r - 1r

    Oak Log = 1r - 3r

    Dark Oak Log = 1r - 4r

    Spruce Log = 1r - 4r

    Acacia Log = 1r - 4r

    Jungle Log = 1r - 3r

    Birch Log = 1r - 4r

    Ladder = 0.4r - 1.2r

    Stick = 0.1r - 0.3r

    All Door Types = 2r - 5r

    All Slab Types = 0.2r - 1r

    All Stair Types = 0.6r -1.5r

    Sign = 1r - 2.5r

    Wood Button = 1r - 2r

    Wood Pressure Plate = 1r - 2r

    Wooden Trapdoor = 2r - 4r


    Cobblestone = 0.5r - 1.5r

    Stone = 1.5r - 3r

    Andesite = 1.2r - 2r

    Diorite = 0.8r - 1.5r

    Granite = 0.8r - 2.5r

    Sandstone = 1r - 3r

    End Stone = 1.5 - 3.5r

    Obsidian = 15r - 25r

    Bedrock = N/A

    Gravel = 0.5 - 2r

    At this time, no more stone items will be added. Example: Stone Stairs, Polished Granite, Etc.


    Items Are Not Finished Yet! Much More to Come!
  2. Funny Fact:

    I was trying to post items, staff heads, and promos all in one thread, but I realized (wayyyy to late) that the thread can not be over 15,000 words. :confused:

    Oh well. Just Items :D
  3. I like it but if you comment a couple times at the start you can fit 15k words in each comment you do like reserved comments for other stuff. just an idea tho
    Stnywitness and luckycordel like this.
  4. Hmm, good thought