The Official Intellectual Competition: Res Suggestions

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by Biscuitboy, Apr 17, 2012.

  1. Hey Guys,
    Please leave the residence suggestions HERE! Have no idea what I am talking about?
    Go here.
    amadai likes this.
  2. 14141 SMP7 14140 SMP7 or 4164 on SMP2
  3. Smp1 res 958
  4. SMP3 7471
    Utopia 5300, although it is unfinished.
  5. SMP1 res 2417
  6. Residence 13472. Or just visit my name. In SMP6.
  7. 4005 SMP2
  8. 14525 in smp7
  9. SMP3 7150.

    EDIT: SMP3, not 1. Mah bad.
  10. 1) If you haven't noticed my last post.. it is already made a Mod should close this message.