The New Era (RolePlay)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. What is Rosefield? Also what exactly is Progessia?
  2. IF I am allowed to change my country, here's the new application:
    1. Brazil
    2. Democratic Republic-War Ready
    3. 45,000,000
    4. 20,000

    By changing my country, I will still do all of the actions I have previously stated.
  3. 1. I wish to ally you if you join Rosefield...
    2. You want to change your country already?
  4. Progessia is a group, but the group has fallen apart and is now basically just the USSR, their intentions were revealed and many people were insulted by them, turning them into a bad guy.
    Rosefield is a group trying to stop Progessia, ask Soul for more on Rosefield.
  5. The UAE accepts the ally request from France, and thereby joins Rosefield, if that is allowed.

    The UAE begins development of better engineering techniques in order to build upwards into skyscrapers, because they don't have the room in Dubai to build outwards.
    creepincreepers7 likes this.
  6. Taken.

    Canada starts work on a new SPG.
  7. I already destroyed their supply.
  8. Knowing them, they've probably doubled there previous supply.
  9. Korea takes much of Siberia and is heading to Moscow.
    Korea also sends ships through the Arctic route to attack the USSR.
  10. Germany immediately resigns from Progressia, and denies any knowledge of their real plan. We wish to join Rosefield and offer our naval force to help defeat the USSR
  11. San Marino researches nuclear technology, sends its citizens to bunkers, and launches 500 Broadhead missiles at Moscow.
  12. So I keep Turkey?
  13. The USA backs up them with Naval Aircraft Carriers.
    penfoldex likes this.
  14. Who remains of Progressia?
  15. German Chancellor is moved to the Berlin bunker. German forces are en route to St Petersburg to bombard and invade U.S.S.R. Anyone gotta plan i'd love to hear about it in pm
  16. The US begins working overtime on its space program.
  17. So what's left of USSR I'd love to destroy it but i dunno whats left
  18. Don't know, the USA and Korea have taken Siberia and I nuked St. Petersburg and Moscow..
  19. San Marino:
    • is now adapting a nuclear weapon to Broadheads
    • has sent its first humans to space on the Eternity I mission
  20. OH ya. Greenland sells 3lbs. of antimatter and a containment apparatus to usa and france, warns them to be careful, and charges 2.5mil. ea. Its an accurate price, dont say otherwise! Also, more antimatter bombs are created, and lent to all of rosefield, if needed. It also keeps their cancer helper from them. Anti-matter is not freely given, only for a good cause! Also, 2 new representatives for greenland, intsantovsky, and orgashnorgaborg. Votes:5/7
    creepincreepers7 likes this.