The Nature Emporium at smp2

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by mayorprofessor, Jul 15, 2013.

  1. Oak leaves are now for sale. 4 for 4 rupees.

    Nether wart will be on sale by Friday next week
  2. I've decided to start selling nether wart immediately, instead of a week from friday. Sugar cane is also on sale.

    Nether wart: 2 for 2 rupees
    Sugar cane: 4 for 2 rupees
  3. Cocoa Beans now in stock! 3 for 2 rupees

    Right at this minute, I am moving the shop from 3255 to 3470. There is more room at the new residence, meaning it will no longer be cramped in a small space.

    During this time, from when this is posted until about 3:00 PM Pacific Time tomorrow, both residences will be closed. This is to make sure that people aren't trying to buy items and make me go out of stock during this time.

    We will be open at 3:00 PM Pacific Time tomorrow at our new location.
    Thank you for your patience.
  5. Also, during the move, I will be adding more items to the store.

    I can't edit my posts for some reason, so i'm posting this as a new post
  6. Sorry for the delays, but we will not be able to open until tonight at 8:00 PM Pacific time