The Most Interesting Minecrafter in the Empire

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by JabrZer0, May 9, 2012.

  1. I mean, or you can just do it the way I suggested and get .40 anyway. the like-to-post ratio is the ratio of the number of likes to the number of posts, not the other way around, therefore likes/posts. You're doing posts per like, which is kinda like saying "how many gallons per mile does your car get?" The way I have it set up, higher numbers are good :)
    Yukon1200 and SecretAznEks like this.
  2. First three likes:
    nnnnmc1 Liked your post in the thread Auction: Efficiency IV Diamond Pickaxe
    Crazy1080 Liked your post in thread smp5+ come soon
    Makron Liked your post in thread smp5+ come soon

    Mod likes:
    #2: Crazy1080 Liked your post in thread smp5+ come soon

    Admin likes:
    #7 Justinguy Like your post in the thread Help needed plot Griefed!
    SecretAznEks likes this.
  3. Equinix_Boss like your post
    ISMOOCH and SecretAznEks like this.
  4. We're doing "like" history now? Here's my first 7:
    1. shaunwhite1982
    2. GameKribJim
    3. d1223m
    4. also d1223m
    5. shaunwhite1982
    6. Crazy1080
    7. d1223m

    I'd say the moderators do a great job of welcoming folks to the forum. Not all these guys were mods when they liked, tho :D
  5. 1,166 to 183, so.....

  6. You're spelling shaun wrong. :p
    Sounds fun :D
    ISMOOCH and Equinox_Boss like this.
  7. Oops, sorry Shaun, I'll fix it ;)
    My husband is a "Sean", so that's just my default spelling of the name!
  8. Ok guys heres the plan.. delete all of the posts that dont have any likes. That way youll have a higher thing
  9. Btw thx for liking my post first
    ISMOOCH, SecretAznEks and margaritte like this.
  10. Im going to bed:(see yall later
    ISMOOCH, oidking and SecretAznEks like this.
  11. *wakes up with 200 alerts*
    oidking, Yukon1200, JabrZer0 and 2 others like this.
  12. En mi pantalones bro, En mi pantalones.....
    SecretAznEks and ISMOOCH like this.
  13. Well then keep in your pants, it's was a gentlemen's bet
    SecretAznEks and ISMOOCH like this.
  14. ISMOOCH has returned. Likes for everyone!
    ISMOOCH and Dwight5273 like this.
  15. Here goes: 0.43
    oidking, ISMOOCH and SecretAznEks like this.
  16. Just goes to show how well Jeremy picks the moderators :)
    SecretAznEks, ISMOOCH and Yukon1200 like this.
  17. Soooooo i just want to point out that when this thread was started today I had 30ish more likes than posts... now its closer to 90 :eek:
  18. I know Jabr and you planned this.
    oidking, SecretAznEks and ISMOOCH like this.
  19. Actually we didn't in all honesty. Jabr just put this up on a whim. It went like this:
    "I'm putting up a thread about like/post ratios. What should I call it?"-Jabr
    "I don't know? Why?"-me
    "Uhhhhhhhhhh..... The most interesting minecraftisherman thingy in the.... server?"-me

    You can see how 'lame' that turned out to be ;)
    SecretAznEks, ISMOOCH and JabrZer0 like this.
  20. This is a really interesting word. I'm trying to figure out what it might possibly mean.
    SecretAznEks, ISMOOCH and Yukon1200 like this.