The Longest Rail Line In EMC

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by azoundria, Jul 14, 2018.

  1. I was wondering what rail lines people know of which are extremely long. I'm trying to find the longest rail line which is still being actively used/maintained.

    What rail lines do you know about? Which SMP, who's managing them, and what was the original purpose.

    Ultimately, I think it would be a cool project if we worked together to build an even larger rail line, with different portions allocated to different players of groups. I think it would be better to build this as an addition to a current rail so it would be even longer. In the end, it would be a lot of fun to ride and see all the different sections that each player built. It might be possible to work it into a competition for the best rail section.
  2. No clue if it's the longest, likely not, but Jelle and I have been working on a 42,000 blocks long rail line. :)
    jacob5089 and ASliceOfRhyBread like this.
  3. szeder has been working on a super long one in the smp2 frontier
  4. 42,000 blocks is pretty incredible! It would be cool if you could include which SMP and maybe some screenshots if you have them!

    Do you have any screenshots of know where it is on the map?
  5. straight east of south outpost, although i think it starts somewhere around central. It might be sort of underground aswell though
  6. This isn't a rail (yet) but at smp5 North someone build a cobble path almost 119k blocks headed north to the middle of nowhere. With that infrastructure in place, it could easily be laid with rail.
  7. I'm going to have to try that out one day mate. I love me a good railcart ride. :)