The 'How to make an Infinite Villager' Thread

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by kilmannan, Jan 18, 2014.

  1. I never said it wasn't amazing. It is like how when IcC kills everyone it is fun.
    hashhog3000 likes this.
  2. Do you know how to make this, but with infinite glowstone/xp bottles?
  3. Is a written book included in the list. Since it is a book. Or is it okay to do that trade in the beginning?
    607 likes this.
  4. Exactly the same but you do it with the Priest instead. Just try the first three, if it's any of the trades you want as infinite, start again.

    With the Priest, if it's one of the enchanted trades, you can use the same enchanted tool over and over again instead of making new ones every time.

    I've got one with infinite redstone and one with infinite glowstone. I've also managed to get a Blacksmith with infinite pickaxes but that took a fair few goes and was quite expensive.
    Olaf_C likes this.
  5. Noob Question Alert: How would I "eggify" the villager again?
  6. Right click with a stick
    607, dude41, ChickenDice and 2 others like this.
  7. Thank you
  8. Lol! I thought that infinite villagers were overpriced too, so I learned how to make them myself and now I've got my own service up and running. Mine's 5K cheaper and has ALL the villagers, not just librarian and priest.
  9. Why Bookshelves and Books? Just to save resources by not trading them too often?

    There are actually 9 trades for the librarians, but the trade of 8 gold for 1 emerald has pretty low odds. The more available trades the librarian has, the lower the chances of the gold trade showing up, so for an "infinite" villager with 8 trades, it is something like 1/10,000 chance of showing up, but eventually it will if you use it enough.
    It is far from easy, but I like to make librarians that already have the gold trade first, then try to make those into infinite villagers (be prepared to destroy your mouse if you choose this route). It's taken me like whole days to make one that way, though.


    Also, my 2 cents: Check what enchantment your librarian is offering somewhat often. It won't ruin the paper trade to buy a few of the books before they change again. When the book gets a red X, you only need to buy the paper once to bring the trade back.
    607 likes this.