The Great 666 Site Post GIVEAWAY!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by generalfelino015, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. Carrots
  2. 22?

    Pc specs? :D
  3. ?
  4. Also that number was taken
  5. numero 19?

    Worst fail ever in minecraft?
    generalfelino015 likes this.
  6. Dejar mi computadora con el minecraft encendido por 12 horas, justo cuando estaba en el wild :D.

  7. 20 please....also, I'm mainly entering this because it's slipknot themed lol
    generalfelino015 likes this.
  8. Question
  9. I would like to have 13 please. Have you ever participated in any mob arenas? They are quite the joy. ;)
    generalfelino015 likes this.
  10. 35, Crap Box One or PS4?
    Olaf_C and generalfelino015 like this.
  11. Wii U, j/k PS4
  12. 9 please!
    Do you love pandas? :eek:
  13. They are cool and nice. But they could murder you in a second.
  14. 8 please! And what is your favorite type of pie? :D
  15. Apple
  16. 15 pl0x

    and, if u were a salted cucumber, what wud be ur favorite catch phrase?
  17. Beware of snooki
  18. 15 please

    and whats your favorite FPS (on whichever console or PC)
  19. Tf2, Cod, BF3