The funny picture thread!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Apr 29, 2012.

  1. Upon seeing your signature i believe SparerToaster would say something along the lines of....
    And then he would go into Phoenix Wright mode and tell you why your signature is in fact NOT lost....
    AlexHallon and Laurencem17 like this.

  2. And why would you automatically assume that? His sig is completely unrelated to the current case at hand. Or at least I thought it was... Why would you bring that up? You must have a motive.
    Also to be on topic:
    jacob5089 and Laurencem17 like this.
  3. That picture is disturbing.

    I was trying to be funny.......i obviously failed terribly :p
    I hope i didn't offend you in any way......
  4. Yeah, they never crash. Who ever's mac that is, they tilted the screen too much in one direction.
    jacob5089, DogsRNice and AlexHallon like this.
  5. Slip_Stream likes this.
  6. Me: It depends, if someone filled the glass half way it is half full. If it was full and someone drank half, it's half empty.

    Heck Yeah..jpg
  7. but i found waldo
    jacob5089 and AlexHallon like this.
  8. Grats On Post 1234 :3
  9. too much of that at school lol
    jkjkjk182 likes this.