The Epic Survivors

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by AlexHallon, Feb 17, 2012.


Do you like living in Wilderness?

Yes!!! 56 vote(s) 49.1%
A little 32 vote(s) 28.1%
I don't know 11 vote(s) 9.6%
Nah... 9 vote(s) 7.9%
IT SUCKS 6 vote(s) 5.3%
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  1. Hi guys!
    I choosed wich day we will go on, and I am now converting the time to your time zones.
    Tell me what country you live in and city ;) (or state if in USA)
  2. westchester pa time zone is est it is 3:00 pm here also shouldnt we wait till the vote on the wildernes being reset
  3. also cant wait going to be soooo much fun
  4. Dude, that's a griefing target. Me, Alex and djozane have decided NOT to be build huge things like that. Just do it underground, I have experience with griefers. ;)
  5. Me and Djozane live in Liverpool (GMT!)
  6. me and my friend built this and so far no griefings. the key seems to build it far away from any spawn and not have a nether portal also doesnt hurt to hide it from the live map

    Attached Files:

  7. Woo Hoo! Where is our base :D :D :D
  8. the base isnt yet this is just a village me and my friend made on smp4 :D
  9. Ok :D you'll have to show me next time we're both on!!!
  10. will do :D
  11. Start listing spots, people. we need to start building!
  12. Possible Site:

    Biome: Jungle
    Distance: Far, about 10 minute run
    Greif level: MUST use wild map to find it, everyone loves jungles so no harm there.
    Possible structures: Deep underground, Tree house (Leaves cover whole biome)
  13. We're waiting for a wilderness reset (if any). No point listing locations right now, but it may come in handy if there's no wild reset. P.S We start in 2 weeks!
  14. 1: How long have you been playing MineCraft? v 1.0
    2: How long have you been a member of The Empire? A couple of days
    3: In the 5 Master-jobs, wich are you the best in? miner/ Securor
    4: Do you want one of the Master-Jobs? If you do, wich one? miner
    5: Will you help this small group grow? Of course
    6: What is your main server? smp2 3518
  15. I think we MAY be able to ask for a bit of the wild to be protected for ONLY TES members and mods tatt way no griefing from outside TES
  16. EDIT: Just post your time zones, that will make it a bit easier for me ;)
  17. I also want to tell you something: We are making an website for TES! :D
    Also, I can't make the signatures, you can make your own if you want :)

    I will put the URL for the website here when it's done and got some stuff in it.
  18. What's the website? I'm very good with html and just for proof look at my server's website!
  19. When we will start?
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