The Alien Invasion [2K]

Discussion in 'Artists' Gallery' started by EnderMagic1, Apr 3, 2017.


Who would die first?

Sachrock 19 vote(s) 65.5%
SirTah 10 vote(s) 34.5%
  1. Last month, someone requested a sci-fi themed wallpaper. Well, here it is.
    Featured Players: Sachrock and SirTah
    You guys know the usual: comment, suggest, like, share, etc. :p
  2. I really love it, at first glance..I didn't realize that was me..Oh well of course I hope egg dies first..I feel special now, I got featured in a wallpaper :rolleyes:
    SirCue, 607, Theomglover and 5 others like this.
  3. Lol everyone wants Sach to die :p
  4. :3 so good as always
  5. I really like this!

    Clearly I would be the last person to die, as I would befriend the aliens and help take over the world

    Shadow_Dcord, SirTah and Theomglover like this.
  6. I voted for Sach too lol <3
    SkeleTin007, Sachrock and SirTah like this.
  7. Aliens are always after something in general so I think Sachrock has angered them with one thing that they might want but I don't know lol
    SirTah likes this.
  8. :eek:
  9. Tah is my good friend but to be honest I think unlease if the alien envasion was in Minecraft that sachrock would live. :p
  10. On one hand, Tah would stun them with his awesome building skills, and they would want to keep him around as a trophy, a way to show Minecraft Earth architecture.
    Sach on the other hand, well they would want to keep him around because, well, umm...
    Not too sure if during an Alien Invasion, they would be checking Facebook for possible new friends, Sach ;)