The 20th century REBOOT! (READ FIRST PAGE!!)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Jul 2, 2012.

  1. Ok.
  2. Holland's defender station was hit by a rouge Russian missile.
  3. Russia since Norway used a weapon of mass destruction under the first amendment to the Peace Pact sends three planes carrying Nuclear bombs that drop them on the capital of Norway, the largest military base, and the nuclear weapon depot.
  4. ...then they discover that the action figures are an army of space alien robots that destroy all the countries with a massive lazer and rule the world forever. Are you serious?
  5. India sends 5 wingbreaker planes to Norway to support Russia!
  6. Russia apoligizes and says he missile was meant for Norway but the navigational system failed when a storm passed over the base. Russia sends men to help rebuild. Russia also sends supplies and lumber to build back up houses
  7. Holland forgives Russia and rebuilds defender station.
  8. Iceland begins developing first strike weapon.
  9. Chassyland sends 4k troops in transport planes to rescue the survivors of Norway and take them prisoner
  10. Inddia wishes to ally with Iceland!
  11. Which country has prisoners?
  12. Holland begins to build the Atomic Bomb but does not wish to use it.
  13. Lazers arent allowed.
  14. Chassyland develops the new rifle after 1 year of investigation. It is called Chasfle and it can be produced very easily, although Chassyland can't produce enough rifles and asks Iceland for resources.
    Chassyland starts designing a new type of rocket.
  15. India reserches amimal breeding...
  16. Holland's population lives entirley underground now until war is over.
  17. It was a joke. I know. Now forget that and continue playing normally.
  18. Sends food to Holland for surival reasons.
  19. Holland tests their prototype on the remains of Turkey. It works so well, they are afraid to use it.
  20. Chassyland is sad about Holland's population that live underground and sends them wine, clothes and food.
    Also Chassyland begins building a huge underground bunker