Thanx for the HeadAches.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by cubefragment, Apr 25, 2018.

  1. I just wanted to thank all the players who keep griefing the /wild e PWU of 7. It is getting to the point that I am about to remove all my builds there. :mad:

    Using ender pearls or chorus fruit to get into builds and removing things is not good form. :mad:

    If I find anything else messed with, removed, added, or destroyed, I will remove the farms.

  2. Have you looked into using Buildmode to protect the build?
    Is there anything that staff can help with?
    607 and HaastregtLover77 like this.
  3. I always use buildmode.

    Almost ever block is protected, maybe a few are not, from going into town then back out to the wild. The builds have been there awhile Krysyy.
    607 and HaastregtLover77 like this.
  4. I'd be willing to help out and keep it in shape when I'm on if needed, it'd be a shame if the public farms would be removed due to a few rude players who can't respect the builds.
    607, cubefragment and SkeleTin007 like this.
  5. What is being removed then? What can Staff do to help alleviate your headaches?
    607 and cubefragment like this.
  6. Thanx HaastregtLover77 for the offer, but the things that are getting messed with are on the inside of the builds, not just the aesthetics. And now builds are popping up with no purpose at all. I will let you know if I need you. Thanx again.

    Kryssy, redstone components, are missing from inside the globe, either by water or other means. Some note blocks are missing, not sure how unless once they play a note they are unprotected? I will replace all the stuff, I have plenty of extra.

    What staff can do is what they always do for me, remove blocks when needed. As far as who is doing it have no idea, none of the blocks they left behind were auto protected.
  7. If someone broke your block, then moderators can check logs and find out who.
    If it was protected, only someone in your trust circle could have done it.
    607, cubefragment and MoreMoople like this.
  8. Thanx Aikar and Kryssy, I was off for a bit over 2 days. The next block that is broken, I will see if staff ison and have them check. Like I said about 99 % of the blocks were placed with /bmode on. There might be a few that weren't because of going back into town.
  9. Can you please give us a list of items you're in need off? GRIP will refund as much as we can, and we have very deep pockets.

    Either on this thread of if you prefer using PM (this link). We'll sort it out.


    You can turn off the block break feature for friends using: /fr blockbreak off. After that you could simply enable it on a per-friend basis. Assuming something like that happened of course.
    Tuqueque, 607 and cubefragment like this.
  10. Thanx SheLuser, but I have everything I need to replace things, and I only have 1 friend who is set to block break all others are off, same goes for access.