Thanksgiving turkey boss suggestion

Discussion in 'The Suggestion Box' started by Astromath1959, Dec 21, 2021.

  1. This is actually 2 separate suggestions.

    1) Have the turkey drop a wishbone (rare item [or rarer]) or
    2) When you eat the (glowing) turkey meat, you will receive a wishbone (broken or whole [50% chance for either]).

    In either case only 1 wishbone will drop. The wishbone is also a single use item. When you break the wishbone by right clicking on it, it will guide you to the next closest turkey. As long as you hold one of the broken wishbone parts, it will guide you (either hand). If you drop the wishbone part for any reason, you lose track of the turkey. Until that turkey is found and killed (by you or someone else), breaking another wishbone will do nothing. Exception: if 24 hours goes by without finding that turkey, the wishbone "deactivates" and you wasted your "wish." Also breaking a wishbone will give you 2 broken wishbone parts.

    Sound suggestion: Change the clucking sound to a gobbling sound.
    SkeleTin007 and AncientTower like this.
  2. I like the idea of the wishbone. I don’t like it coming from eating a cooked turkey. Only because the Super Turkey drops a few each time it’s killed. I do like it as a drop chance just like the slicer but perhaps with a higher chance of the drop.
    It just like a charged ender pearl have a countdown until disappears. The wishbone is infused with bloodhound senses and will help guide you to a turkey but it’s a one and done thing like the charged ender pearl. Whether there’s a Turkey to locate or not when activated.
    Astromath1959 likes this.
  3. There's no gobbling sound in Minecraft, so the second part of your suggestion can't be implemented (at least not server-side, maybe you could make a mod for it and get it allowed).
    The wishbone thing sounds like an interesting suggestion, but maybe a bit too complicated. Also, how would it guide you to the turkey, and why would that stop when you dropped the bone?
    Thanks for the suggestions. :)
  4. As far as the gobbling sound goes, I was hoping that one of the developers could do it. I have no idea how to program a mod.

    The first part is easy. The mechanics is already in the system with the compass guiding you to the nearest outpost. It think it would work along the lines of: Search for turkeys within 10 chunks, if none, wish is used and with the message, "No turkeys found, wish used." If there's only one turkey, then the wishbone part will guide you to that turkey. If there's more than one turkey, then it will guide you to the closest one chunk-wise. If there's more than one turkey that is equal chunks away, it will guide you to the one that is closest block-wise. And, lastly, if there more than one turkey that is equal blocks away, it will choose a random turkey. Once the turkey is dead, it will give the message, "You defeated the turkey! Time to pick up your loot." (Or something like that.) The logic I just used doesn't lock in on one turkey. As you are walking about, and another turkey becomes closer than the first one, the wishbone part will guide you to the new closer turkey. One other addition would be you can't save it and use it for next year. It would be on a year to year basis. IOW, a wishbone can only be used in the year it was found.

    The second part is indeed a little more difficult. Dropping then picking up the wishbone won't change the wishbone's characteristics. It won't be a "new" wishbone. I was probably overthinking this one. However, if you drop the wishbone part and someone else picks it up, there should be logic that the wish has been used by the original finder. The only way the wishbone (whole) can be used by someone else is if you put it an [ACCESS] chest, or PM it (or sell/auction it).

    P.S. After breaking the wishbone, you could have it so that there's a part in each hand in order to find the turkey (just like a divining rod).
  5. So the wishbone is a compass? I was thinking it would be a bone.
    I'm sorry if I don't understand something because I am not familiar with the tradition. :p

  6. I think what Astro is wanting is a bone that will act like a compass that will lead you to a turkey should one be around. Since the bone doesn’t rotate in the players hand like a compass the tracking would be a guided word display such as the gobble tells us is x amount of chunks away however the wishbone when activated might say something like the turkey is north x amount of blocks and when you’ve gone as far north as the turkey might be it’ll then tell you to go east or something to that. At least for this promo suggestion that’s what I foresee to be obtainable as current formats go on EMC.
    Astromath1959 and 607 like this.
  7. The wishbone pieces is not exactly a compass. I just used the compass as an example of program subroutines already in place. I also picture it using the compass bar that appears at the top of the screen when it is turned on through /ps. But, when you break the wishbone, "wishbone bar" will automatically appear, and when the turkey is defeated, it will disappear. If the compass bar is already on, it will have an additional line labelled "T" (for turkey). I will also go as far as saying that the bar will also disappear when you are not holding both wishbone pieces (unless you are already using it for the compass, in which, only the "T" line will disappear).

    As far as the custom is concerned, this is from Wikipedia: "The custom of two persons pulling on the bone with the one receiving the larger part making a wish developed in the early 17th century. At that time, the name of the bone was a merrythought. The name wishbone in reference to this custom is recorded from 1860." The full article is here.
    607 likes this.