Thanksgiving Event!

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by HelloKittyRo2, Nov 6, 2015.


What time would you prefer for the event to take place?

Poll closed Nov 13, 2015.
3PM EST/EMC Time 6 vote(s) 35.3%
4PM EST/EMC Time 4 vote(s) 23.5%
5PM EST/EMC Time 5 vote(s) 29.4%
6PM EST/EMC Time 6 vote(s) 35.3%
7PM EST/EMC Time 6 vote(s) 35.3%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Bump! The event is tomorrow!
  2. The poll didn't turn out so great. :p
  3. 6PM EMC time. The event will most likely start 5-10 minutes later as players might not arrive on the dot and rules will need to be explained.
  4. The maze is at my 2nd res, but the droppers are located in the nether waste.

    Anyways, the event is in 30 minutes :D
  5. /v Finalysm-2 on smp8
  6. Due to technical difficulties, the event has been canceled. I will make another one at a later date