I think that if you have a high TEXP ranking on the forums maybe for monthly Top 10 or for Life Top 30 or Top 50. The rewards could be something simple as a little bit of rupees or maybe a special TEXP limited item, anythign that would help out for people who work hard on TEXP.
Awards have already been given to high achievers of TEXP over time. For instance if I recall correctly the first person to hit 1'000'000 TEXP life got like 1000r or something Maybe when dragon tombs are released and perks are given to players for fighting the dragon things regarding TEXP could also be implemented... One can only hope
The current way XP and TEXP is setup, a reward system wouldn't really fit well, as most of the top earners did so by AFKing. However, without giving away to much, we have a plan in place to fix XP and TEXP on EMC to how we feel it should be properly (don't worry it's a good fix) and a TEXP reward system will likely be more doable then.