Terrible Lag... is it my Internet? Or the Server??

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by IamSaj, Sep 6, 2012.

  1. Yes! Cable is so much better than DSL
  2. And Fibre Optic is better :)
    IamSaj and chickeneer like this.
  3. Verizon? I jelly.
  4. Pfft - Virgin media (UK) - I have the fastest internet avalible to consumers in the UK
    BobTheTomato9798 and IamSaj like this.
  5. actually speedtest.net is very accurate because with My ISP it tells you what you should be getting that day (depending on peak times and such) and speedtest.net is always only different in about 1mb/s most the time im getting about 25Mb/s but on peak times it can go down to about 10mb/s sadly grandfheft auto IV killed my Download speed for 18hours well the mb/s wasn't bad it was the ping what died (about 120 ping)

    But sounds like you don't really get peaktimes luck you ;p
    IamSaj likes this.
  6. Looks like we have more in commen then I first knew :) I love there advert and FIBRE OPTIC FTW! xD
  7. I'm one of the first people in the UK to get the 120mbit/s rollout (It's in a small test at the moment)
    Squizzel_Boy likes this.
  8. Oh well over here Verizon has it going.... in some places.... :3
    BobTheTomato9798 likes this.
  9. Meanwhile, the more remote places of the country still have dial up and even the places of the country that do have Broadband don't get anywhere near the speed they pay for because they have to share their connection with about 50 other people.
  10. you jelly?:confused:
  11. because the council/who ever made the housing area who build the area cant even be bothered to install multiple Broadband Boxes (my friends road has about 4x50 connection ports when the road I live on have about 10 for about 100 houses xD) So I feel lucky :3
  12. Hmm, that's often the case, I once knew someone who paid about £7,500 for their own dedicated line to the exchange because they were fed up with the drop in speeds. (and that's £7,500 per year).

    But, the bottom line is, it's really time for the government/councils to really pull their fingers out and get fibre optic across the country.
  13. then our country will be like Germany :D
  14. France, too. But, the ironic things is the UK already has the beginnings of a great fibre optic coverage.
    Laid in the ground alongside every major railway in the country is some of the best fibre optics you can get.
    But we'll never be allowed to use them.
    Squizzel_Boy likes this.
  15. Funny you should say that...
  16. It will be nice once Google Fiber rolls out throughout the United States. Right now Google is testing it out in just one city (Kansas City). They have a plan which I would definitely sign up for: Gigabit Internet - $70 a month!

    Check out the availability and plans at: https://fiber.google.com/plans/residential/
    Squizzel_Boy and IamSaj like this.
  17. Looks cool. But my parents are set on getting Roadrunner Cable Internet... :3
  18. I saw that and was like Me jelly
    IamSaj likes this.
  19. why does america come up with silly names? well we cant talk (Virgin and TalkTalk)
    IamSaj likes this.