Temp Ban Is Not Working

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by Hawk_1127, Aug 24, 2013.

  1. Time to kick in my catchphrase...
    Ain't nobody got time fo dat.
    Jack is also busy, and wouldn't exactly now the whole situation whereas Sweety will.
  2. You were temp banned for abusing the report system.

    You abused the report system over exaggerating on a report. For those reading, that might seem like a small thing... but he reported a player for saying some pretty bad things, that the player did not say. Extensive research was to done to prove it.

    This was also not the first time that your account was associated with reports that claimed much harsher/larger things were said/done than what actually happened.

    I would suggest you ride your tempban out, go out side... everything will still be just fine tomorrow.
    5weety and Jake_bagby like this.
  3. Two days without EMC will not kill you.
    5weety likes this.